Cookies Policy

Provision issued by the Italian Data Protection Authority (Guaranteeing) n. 229/2014.

This site collects and uses various information from the browser, especially in the form of cookies. Such information may affect the user, his preferences or Internet access device (computer, tablet or mobile) and are mainly used to adjust the functioning of the site to the user’s expectations by offering more personalized browsing experience and memorizing the choices made previously. Below you can learn more about the various ways in which we use cookies and also can prevent the saving of some or all cookies. However, in some cases, the use of the site and the services offered may be impaired or severely limited.

Technical cookies

In the light of the classification given by the guarantor for the protection of personal data in the provision concerning the “Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies” of May 8  2014, with “technical cookie” we refer to the session/navigation cookie, analytical and functional cookies, as described below. For installation and use of such cookies we don’t need consent by the users.

A – Navigation cookies

These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the site. These cookies allow the navigation of the visitors between the pages of the site, the search for products on the site, create an account, the authentication process in case of registered users and the execution of orders. Among these cookies we include also the ones we use to keep track of the fact that users has been informed of the use of cookies, and that enabled (if applicable) to the installation of profiling cookies. Without these cookies we can’t deliver the services for which users access the site.

B – Analytical Cookies

These cookies allow you to know how the visitors use the site, so to be able to evaluate and improve the operation. For example, let you know what are the most and least visited pages. Take into account, among other things, the number of visitors, time spent on the site by users and mode of arrival on site (search engine, advertising, etc.). In this way, we can know what works well and what kind of things we have to improve, in addition to making sure that the pages are quickly charge and displayed properly. All information collected by these cookies are treated exclusively for statistical purposes and in order not to reconnect with them user’s identity.

Functional cookies

These cookies consent to offer advanced functionality to the user’s request: for example, the function of recognizing the user on subsequent visits without having to type your credentials and the display function of the last seen books. These cookies are not indispensable to the functioning of the site, but it improves the quality and the browsing experience.


Cookies for advertising targeting or profiling

These cookies are intended to create profiles of visitors and are used by the site or third parties to display, on the site or on affiliate sites advertising messages in line with the preferences and interests expressed during navigation (showing, for example, to the user the viewed products on our site when sailing on affiliate websites or showing on our site or on other sites affiliates, products that might be of interest to the user in that similar to those viewed on our website), to allow you to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign or to limit the number of views of an advertisement.  These cookies are in fact incorporated by the partners of our advertising sales contributing to our investment in the web sites. Normally these operation is based on the unique recognition of the device used by the user for browsing on our site and it doesn’t involve the processing of identification data. These cookies are installed only with the visitor’s consent. At any time the visitor may decide to withdraw his consent through the following instruments better described.

Cookies of the third part

The installation of the third-party and all other activities related to them, including the collection and processing of information, are managed directly by such Third parts. For more information and to enable or disable these cookies, the visitor can access to the informative rendered by these companies through the following links:

Third company that installs and manages cookies

Type of cookie implemented

Link to the information and consent form


advertising targeting / profiling / analytical / functional


Navigation cookies


Navigation cookies


Waiver of Cookies

The visitor can also decides to prevent a priori the use of cookies by changing browser settings. However, not all features of this site may remain operational if one or more cookies were disabled. The information about change by default the cookie settings are available in the guide of each used browser.






The settings for this choice can be checked and changed at any time in the browser’s preferences window. The advertising companies also allow you to give up receiving targeted ads, if you desire. This doesn’t prevent the setting of cookies, but cuts the use and collection of certain data by these companies. For more information and the possibility of cancellation, go to .


per ricevere aggiornamenti su mostre e opere. 

Maria Giovanna Morelli


Maria Giovanna Morelli (1978, Ravenna) si è laureata in Ingegneria Edile Architettura a Bologna. Gli studi svolti le permettono di spaziare tra diversi medium e materiali.

Nel suo lavoro si confronta spesso con le pratiche installative dove il rapporto con lo spazio diventa fondamentale, senza tralasciare le tecniche più tradizionali delle arti visive come la pittura, il disegno e la ceramica.

Il suo lavoro è stato esposto in diverse occasioni in mostre e premi nazionali; nel 2019 e 2017 è selezionata per Arte Laguna Prize a Venezia, nel 2019 è tra i finalisti del Combat Prize in mostra presso il Museo Fattori di Livorno.

Nel 2022 prende parte al workshop/residenza promosso da RAMO e Untitled Association “Ritratto a Mano 7.0” con Monica Lundy e Daniele Puppi presso l’ Ex Convento delle Clarisse di Caramanico Terme. 


Il lavoro artistico di Maria Giovanna Morelli oscilla tra un immaginario grottesco e mostruoso ed un mondo più fiabesco di figure morbide e colori tenui. Forme talvolta ambigue che accennano ad un erotismo velato e mai esplicito. Il rimando al corpo umano nasconde spesso un approccio ironico, che a volte approda ad un chiaro cinismo e permea tutta la sua produzione.

Tra i temi fondamentali che attraversano gran parte della sua ricerca artistica troviamo la famiglia, la maternità e spunti autobiografici.

Facilmente leggibili nella pittura dove campeggiano figure che diventano talvolta masse informi e carnose, altre volte corpi di bambini che giocano in ambienti geometrici e piani che attraversano lo spazio domestico. 

Protagonista assoluto sia nella produzione pittorica che nella scultura è il colore. Nella pittura è usato come materia per creare masse e campiture che fuoriescono dallo spazio in accordi azzardati forti, mentre nelle piccole sculture diventa elemento decorativo e l’accordo tonale si fa gentile ed elegante.